

  1. ラベル1:vmlinuz-3.1.4-landisk(sda3)
  2. ラベル2:オリジナルシステム(動かない。boot.b-selkからは動く)
  3. ラベル3:bootld(vmlinuz-initramfs-landisk.08,動作する)
  4. ラベル4:オリジナルシステム(不動作)
bootargs0 console=ttySC1,115200 mem=64M root=/dev/sda3
bootargs1 mem=64M console=ttySC1,9600 root=/dev/hda1
bootargs2 mem=64M console=ttySC1,115200 usb-storage.delay_use=0 bootld=/etc/init.d/bootld
bootargs3 mem=64M console=ttySC1,9600 root=/dev/hda1
bootcmd0 ext2load ide 0:3 0x8c400000 /boot/vmlinuz-3.1.4-landisk;zimageboot 0x8c400000 0x8c001000
bootcmd1 ext2load ide 0:1 0x8c400000 /boot/zImage;zimageboot 0x8c400000 0x8c001000
bootcmd2 ext2load ide 0:1 0x8c400000 /boot/bootld.dont_touch/vmlinuz-initramfs-landisk.08;zimageboot 0x8c400000 0x8c001000
bootcmd3 ext2load ide 0:1 0x8c400000 /boot/zImage;zimageboot 0x8c400000 0x8c001000


U-Boot 2011.09.landisk_sel0.6 (Mar 29 2013 - 23:51:50)

Using default environment

PCI: SH7751 PCI host bridge found.
PCI:   Bus Dev VenId DevId Class Int
  00:00.0     - 10ec:8139 - Network controller
  00:02.0     - 1033:0035 - Serial bus controller
  00:02.1     - 1033:0035 - Serial bus controller
  00:02.2     - 1033:00e0 - Serial bus controller
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Bus 0: OK
  Device 0: Model: HMS360402D5CF00  Firm: DN2OC60G Ser#: N2GRN0HA
            Type: Removable Hard Disk
            Capacity: 1953.0 MB = 1.9 GB (3999744 x 512)
Net:   RTL8139#0Warning: failed to set MAC address

Loading file "/boot/u-boot.env" from ide device 0:1 (hda1)
679 bytes read
setenv bootargs0 = console=ttySC1,115200 mem=64M root=/dev/sda3
setenv bootargs1 = mem=64M console=ttySC1,9600 root=/dev/hda1
setenv bootargs2 = mem=64M console=ttySC1,115200 usb-storage.delay_use=0 bootld=/etc/init.d/bootld
setenv bootargs3 = mem=64M console=ttySC1,9600 root=/dev/hda1
setenv bootcmd0 = ext2load ide 0:3 0x8c400000 /boot/vmlinuz-3.1.4-landisk;zimageboot 0x8c400000 0x8c0010000
setenv bootcmd1 = ext2load ide 0:1 0x8c400000 /boot/zImage;zimageboot 0x8c400000 0x8c0010000
setenv bootcmd2 = ext2load ide 0:1 0x8c400000 /boot/bootld.dont_touch/vmlinuz-initramfs-landisk.08;zimageboot 0x8c400000 0x8c0010000
setenv bootcmd3 = ext2load ide 0:1 0x8c400000 /boot/zImage;zimageboot 0x8c400000 0x8c0010000
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
landisk boot selector(landisk_sel)...
  If you want to select next bootcmd(n), operate Power SW OFF->ON.
Remainig selectable time is about 5 seconds.
bootcmd1 is selected.
bootcmd2 is selected.
mem=64M console=ttySC1,115200 usb-storage.delay_use=0 bootld=/etc/init.d/bootld
ext2load ide 0:1 0x8c400000 /boot/bootld.dont_touch/vmlinuz-initramfs-landisk.08;zimageboot 0x8c400000 0x8c0010000
Loading file "/boot/bootld.dont_touch/vmlinuz-initramfs-landisk.08" from ide device 0:1 (hda1)
2666496 bytes read
Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel.